Natural Health & Wellbeing Reflexology, Reiki, Energy Healing
Feng Shui, Dowsing, Geopathic Stress
London ( Bromley ) and UK

Dowsing for Health. Dowsing hand with pendulum

How can Dowsing help Me?

Dowsing is widely used to detect the causes of imbalance which may be leading to health issues, addictions and barriers to good emotional and physical health. It complements and enhances other natural therapies and medical treatments.

Dowsing can be used to find suitable diet and reducing allergic responses. It can be used to asses food vitality, identify suitable vitamins and minerals, identifying flower essences and other remedies to treat illness and improve health.

Dowsing is also used as an aid to healing body and mind and also refining our intuition.

Dowsing can also help in many other ways.:

  • Locating positive and negative natural earth energies, which affect all of us in our homes and at work
  • Location of missing objects
  • Archeological serches
  • Mineral and oil location
  • Water divination. This is one of the oldest forms of dowsing which is still in use to this day
  • Remote Dowsing. The use of dowsing reveals that everything is connected by energy in one world.

What is Dowsing?

Dowsing is a powerful art which uses simple tools such as pendulums and L-rods, effectively accessing our own intuition, to give us the possibility of increased wisdom and sure guidance in life.

Dowsing has been defined as the ability to use a natural sensitivity which enables us to know things that we cannot know by learning, using our knowledge and the experiences gained through our five physical senses. Dowsing is an ancient art and practice which allows us to dowse for hidden information. It is in fact a way of accessing our own intuition. It is considered to be a highly valuable ancient art and practice which inspires us to search with the aid of dowsing tools or instruments for that which that is otherwise hidden from our view and outside our knowledge.

Dowsing is believed to be a conscious attunement to the field of universal consciousness which connects everything in our world and beyond.

Dowsing is most generally known as the search for underground water which is a fundamental need in many parts of the world but there are other very important uses and benefits which include The search for Earth energies and Geopathic Stress, helping us to see how all the natural energies interact with buildings and structures of all kinds and particularly with the people who live and/or work therein.
Once the quality and type of energies ( Qi or Chi ) are established by dowsing, suitable advice can be given on how to minimise any malign effects or indeed how to encourage positive energies.

It is also possible to study the energy patterns associated with standing stones and circles and their environments.

Positive and high vibration energies can also be located and their existence demonstrated.

Mineral and Oil locating - Dowsing has been used since ancient times and is still used in our modern world to this day.

Archaeological searches - which can detect changes in the soil formations beneath the surface and also find hidden foundations of earlier buildings.

Soil testing and Agriculture - soils can be tested for acidity, organic content and nutrient status. Plants and animals can be checked for diseases and seeds for germination.

Archaeological remains, cavities and tunnels, discovery of- oil, veins of mineral ore, underground building services and pipes.

Missing objects - success has been demonstrated but is not always guaranteed.

Dowsing Consultations

Martin is a professional Dowsing Consultant with some 20 years experience and is registered with the British Society of Dowsers ( BSD )

Call for a consultation on - 07884 26234

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