Natural Health & Wellbeing Reflexology, Reiki, Energy Healing
Feng Shui, Dowsing, Geopathic Stress
London ( Bromley ) and UK

Feng Shui. Landscape House in Garden

How can Feng Shui help me?

Feng Shui is a very effective method of creating a harmonious working and living environment, which can also bring about other improvements and beneficial changes as a result.

Feng Shui can also be considered to be a way of living our lives in a harmonious relationship with the Earths environment and natural energies.

Feng shui promotes the flow of Qi ( or Chi ), the flow of natural forces and energies. This includes earth energies, sunlight and cosmic influences, colour vibrations, the movement and quality of air around us and the flow of water, including underground streams and rivers.

Qi also affects the emotions of people and interpretation of objects, including buildings and much more.

Feng Shui adopts a sensible but energising approach towards your relationships with the environment and your personal living space.

The practice of Feng Shui attempts to bring harmony and balance to all aspects of your life.

Benefits :-

* Reduces negative aspects in the home or business.

* Boosts positive energies and your environment in many ways.

* Encourages better relationships with friends, family and other people.

* Enhances your home and business with positive energies, room layouts, colours etc.,

* Encourages success in work and career and helps personal fame and recognition.

* Healthy homes can lead to healthier people.

* Helps stimulate the money and prosperity area of life.

* Reduces " stuck energies " in the home & business and life generally.

The basic understanding is that the natural energies that surround us affect us directly, so it is very important that we eliminate the negative side as much as possible and bring positive and life enhancing aspects to the fore.

The consultant will combine Feng Shui principles with modern techniques in order to identify health hazards such as electro smog and electro magnetic frequencies ( EMF's ) etc.,

It is very important to identify and release ' stuck energies ' whether physical, mental or emotional so that our mind, body and spirit are
as energised and harmonious as possible. This will also allow us to enjoy life to a fuller extent.

Health and enjoyment in life helps us to achieve our life aspirations.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is based on the ancient Chinese wisdom which understood and experienced the dynamic and complex flow of energies throughout the universe. The meaning of the name "Feng Shui" is "wind and Water" - considered as being harmony and balance and therefore health and abundance.

Feng Shui is based on the understanding that there are flows of natural energies, known as Qi, or Chi, which is interlinked with and provides energy throughout the universe. It is the art or science of designing a harmonious based on profound Chinese understanding of how people are connected to and affected by their surroundings. It seeks to balance Ying and Yang (balance and harmony), the five elements and natural energies or Qi.

Feng Shui is a way of living our lives in harmonious relationships with the earth's environment and natural energies. Feng shui, in its literal sense refers to the topography of the earth, its mountains, valleys and waterways whos shapes and sizes are created by the continuous interactions of these powerful forces of nature

The laws and principles of Feng Shui are used to differentiate between auspicious and inauspicious land sites, which has influenced the positioning of homes and designing room layouts that enhance the quality of the owners' lives, sometimes in dramatic ways.

Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM), of which Feng Shui is a part, states that harmony and balance creates health and happiness.

Feng Shui is the art or science of designing harmonious environments based on profound Chinese understanding of how people are connected to and affected by their surroundings

A Feng Shui Consultation

There are many aspects to consider

  • Assessing the earth and home energies
  • Successful placement of furniture and objects in the home to facilitate the beneficial flow of energy (Qi)
  • Advice on lighting - natural or artificial
  • Colour schemes - with reference to design consideration and the effect of the Chinese five element colours
  • Assessment of the entrance to the home, to ensure that it is advantageous to the occupants - both in appearance and to promote successful outcomes.
  • Identification of the various Feng Shui life aspirations and five element areas such as the fortunate blessings area, also known as the Wealth corner.
  • Ming Kua - Best directions. Balancing Yin and Yang for harmony and balance.

In addition, a house blessing may be offered. This is to encourage and promote good luck, fortune, health and harmonious and happy relationships.

Negative energies can be detected and released at the time of the consultation.

Martin's Experience and qualifications in Feng Shui

Martin has wide experience. He has been working as a Feng shui consultant for over twenty five years, surveying houses and flats of all sizes as well as businesses ad work areas.

  • Holder of the Professional Feng Shui Diploma from Feng Shui Network International
  • Accredited Professional Feng Shui Consultant (FSSA) with the Feng Shui Society
  • Registered as a Professional Dowser with the British Society of Dowsers (BSD)

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